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26 Sep 2008

Student Activity Center(SAC)


Establishment of various student centric initiatives is a unique feature of VBIT. Faculty Incharge and student coordinators are nominated for each forum. As per their activity and budget plan, Institute provides financial support. Each forum is having separate bank account for financial transaction. This association emerged as one of the very active campus organization since its inception itself.

IEEE-VBIT student branch was established in 2006. For this year, 103 students joined this professional society. Institute sponsored four faculty members, one from each Discipline, to join IEEE.

Apart from various weekly activities, two major programs were organized by this forum during 2008-09
September 26 & 27, 08
A workshop on LINUX was organized by IEEE student branch of VBIT with the help of Free Software Foundation, Hyderabad. 170 students participated in this workshop.
March 05, 06 & 07, 09
A workshop on LINUX was organized by IEEE student branch of VBIT with the help of Free Software Foundation, Hyderabad. 170 students participated in this workshop. Â